1 |
Введение | |
2 |
Обращение к целевым рынкам как инструмент маркетинга | |
3 |
Таргетинг в цифровой среде | |
4 |
Таргетирование: дискуссионные моментыВлияние адресных сообщений: сложный механизм | |
6 |
Таргетированные кампании и охват | |
8 |
Заключение | |
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Литература |
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2. Aalberts R., Nill A., Poon P. (2016). «Online behavioral targeting: what does the law say?» Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 95–112.
3. Bellman S., Murphy J., Treleaven-Hassard S., O’Farrell C., Qiu L. and Varan D. (2013). «Using Internet behavior to deliver relevant television commercials». Journal of Interactive Marketing, No. 27, pp. 130–140.
4. Binet L., Carter S. (2016). «Mythbuster: attribution fraud». Admap, January. — Подробнее .
5. Binet L., Field P. (2016). Marketing in the Digital Age. London: WARC.
6. Chandler R., Munday R. (2011). Dictionary of Media and Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
7. Ehrenberg-Bass Institute. — Подробнее .
8. Haley K. (2012). «Online video measurement: on target». Admap, May. — Подробнее .
9. Kimmel A. (2005). Marketing Communication: New Approaches, Technologies and Styles. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
10. Mars Looks Beyond Targeting. — Подробнее .
11. MediaScience Labs. — Подробнее .
12. O’Regan M., Modha S., Markarian R. (2011). «Digital segmentation: оn-demand targeting». Admap, November. — Подробнее .
13. Plummer J., Rappaport S., Hall T. and Barocci R. (2007). «Targeting approaches». In: The Online Advertising Playbook. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
14. ROI Trends in 2017: Effectiveness. — Подробнее .
15. Romaniuk J., Sharp B. (2016). How Brands Grow. Part2. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
16. Sharp B. (2010). How Brands Grow. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
17. Sharp B. (2013). Marketing: Theory, Evidence, Practice. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
18. Varan D. (2011). Mythbusting Flawed Assumption! Presentation delivered at Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing. Chicago, June 15–17.
19. Vollmer C. (2008). Always ON: Advertising, Marketing, and Media in an Era of Consumer Control. New York: McGraw Hill.
20. Why P&G is Moving Away from Targeted Facebook Advertising. — Подробнее .
21. Young A., Aitken L. (2007). Profitable Marketing Communications: а Guide to Marketing Return on Investment. London: Kogan Page Ltd.