Введение;Интеллектуальный капитал и небольшие инновационные предприятия;Методология исследования и обсуждение результатов;Выводы; |
1. Birchall D.W., Tovstiga G. (2001). «Assessing the firm's strategic knowledge portfolio: a framework and methodology». International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 24(4), pp. 419-434.
2. Birchall D.W., Tovstiga G. (2005). Strategic Capabilities for Competitive Advantage - Leading through Technological Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
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8. Tovstiga G. (1999). «Profiling the knowledge worker in the knowledge-intensive organization: emerging roles». International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 18(5-8), pp. 731-744.
9. Tovstiga G. et al. (2004). «Preparing Russian small innovative enterprises for international competitiveness: a scoping study». Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Vol. 2(1-2), pp. 89-108.
10. Tovstiga G., Tulugurova E. (2007). «Intellectual capital practices, external factors and enterprise performance in Russian small innovative enterprises». Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 8(4), pp. 695-707.