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Стратегия. Методология и процесс | |
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Стратегические барьеры для входа на рынок финансовых услуг | |
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Стратегии для стартапов | |
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Стратегии для онлайн-платформ и крупных розничных торговых фирм | |
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Литература |
1. Eurobarometer: Europeans Show Support for Digital Principals. — Подробнее .
2. Bradford T., Davies M., Weiner S.E. (2003). Nonbanks in the Payments System. Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas Сity.
3. Dick A.A. (2007). «Demand estimation and consumer welfare in the banking industry». Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 32, рр. 1661–1676.
4. Braithwaite T., Hall C., Alloway T., Bradshaw T., Mishkin S., Waters R. (2014). Apple Wages War on the Wallet. — Подробнее .
5. Farrell J., Klemperer J. (2006). Coordination and Lock-In: Competition with Switching Costs and Network Effects. Competition Policy Center, UC Berkley.
6. Salinger M.A. (1988). «Vertical mergers and market foreclosure». Quarterly Journal of Eonomics, Vol. 103, рр. 345–356.
7. Carlton D.W., Waldam M. (2002). «The strategic use of tying to preserve and create market power in evolving industries». The RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 33(2), рр. 194–220.
8. Edelman B. (2014). «Leveraging market power through tying and bundling: Does Google behave anti-competitively?» Harvard Business School NOM Unit Working Paper, No. 14–112.
9. Robert J., Stahl D.O. (1993). «Informative price advertising in a sequential search model». Econometrica, Vol. 61, рр. 657–686.
10. Freedman S., Jin G.Z. (2008). «Do social networks solve information problems for peer-to-peer lending? Evidence fromПодробнее . Net Institute Working Paper, No. 08–43.