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Общие вопросы современного менеджмента | |
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Рисунок. Драйверы технологических инноваций банка | |
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Литература |
1. Frame W.S., White L.J. (2004). «Empirical studies of financial innovation: Lots of talk, little action?» Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 42, pp. 116–144.
2. Lerner J., Tufano P. (2011). «The consequences of financial innovation: A counterfactual research agenda». Annual Review of Financial Economics, Vol. 3(1).
3. Lerner J. (2006). «The new new financial thing: The origins of financial innovations». Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 79(2), pp. 223–255.
4. Tufano P. (2003). «Financial innovation». In: Constantines G.M., Harris M., Stulz R. (Eds.). Handbook of the Economics of Finance. Amsterdam, Elsevier.
5. Boldrin M., Levine D.K. (2013). «The case against patents». Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 27(1), pp. 3–22.
6. Financial Innovation and Monetary Policy. — Подробнее .
7. Gardner J.A. (2009). Innovation and the Future Proof Bank: A Practical Guide to Doing Different Business-as-Usual. NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
8. Paramasivan C., Ravichandiran G. (2022). «A study on technology driven innovation practices in banking sector in Tiruchirappalli district». International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education, Vol. 14(5), pр. 3949–3959.
9. Beyond ROE — How to Measure Bank Performance. — Подробнее .
10. Shleifer A., Vishny R.W. (2010). «Unstable banking». Journal of Financial Economics, Vol. 97(3), pp. 306–318.