Жизнь У.Э. Деминга, рассказанная им самим 
Розенталь Р.М.

Фрагмент выступления У.Э. Деминга на слушании комитетов сената США;

Ключевые слова: У.Э. Деминг, автобиография, статистические стандарты


Вниманию читателей предлагается перевод вводной части выступления У.Э. Деминга на слушаниях комитетов сената США в конце 1970-х гг., в которой он вкратце рассказывает о себе. Статья снабжена подробными комментариями и обширной библиографией.

Журнал: «Менеджмент качества» — №2, 2013 (© Издательский дом Гребенников)
Объем в страницах: 7
Кол-во знаков: около 14,208
* Деятельность Meta (соцсети Facebook и Instagram) запрещена в России как экстремистская.

1. Tetzeli R. (1993). «A day in the life of Ed Deming». Fortune, Vol. 127, Iss. 1, pp. 74–75.

2. Examining Current Conditions in the Trucking Industry and the Possible Necessity for Change in the Manner and Scope of its Regulations: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Surface Transportation of the Committee on Public Works and Transportation, Ninety-sixth Congress, First Session. Pt. 2: Joint Hearings before the Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation (1979). United States Senate, Chicago, IL.

3. Deming W.E. (1978). «On a rational relationship for certain costs of handling motor freight: I. Over the platform». Transportation Journal, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 5–13.

4. Deming W.E. (1978). «On a rational relationship for certain costs of handling motor freight: II. Stop-time at pickup and delivery». Transportation Journal, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 79–85.

5. Dr. Deming’s CV — from his study. — Подробнее .

6. Austenfeld R.B. W. Edwards Deming: the story of a truly remarkable person. — Подробнее .

7. Deming W.E. (1928). «Equipotential surface electrons as an explanation of the packing effect». Physical Review, Vol. 31, Iss. 3, pp. 453–465.

8. Deming W.E., Shupe L.E. (1931). «Some physical properties of compressed gases: I. Nitrogen». Physical Review, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 638–654.

9. Deming W.E., Shupe L.E. (1931). «Some physical properties of compressed gases: II. Carbon monoxide». Physical Review, Vol. 38, No. 12, pp. 2245–2264.

10. Deming W.E., Shupe L.E. (1932). «Some physical properties of compressed gases: III. Hydrogen». Physical Review, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 848–859.

11. Deming W.E., Shupe L.E. (1934). «Some physical properties of compressed gases: IV. The entropies of nitrogen, carbon monoxide and hydrogen». Physical Review, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 109–113.

12. Deming W.E., Shupe L.E. (1935). «Some physical properties of compressed gases: V. The Joule-Thomson coefficient for nitrogen». Physical Review, Vol. 48, No. 5, pp. 448–449.

13. Deming W.E., Shupe L.E. (1939). «Some physical properties of compressed gases: VI. The fugacity of carbon dioxide». Physical Review, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 108–112.

14. Deming W.E. (1968). «A recursion formula for the proportion of persons having a first admission as schizophrenic». Behavioral Science, Vol. 13, Iss. 6, pp. 467–476.

15. Erlenmeyer-Kimling L., Nicol S., Rainer J.D., Deming W.E. (1969). «Changes in fertility rates of schizophrenic patients in New York state». The American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 125 (7), pp. 916–927.

16. Ganz V.H., Gurland B.J., Deming W.E., Fisher B. (1972). «The study of the psychiatric symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus. A biometric study». Psychosomatic Medicine, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 207–220.

17. Kuriansky J.B., Deming W.E., Gurland B.J. (1974). «On trends in the diagnosis of schizophrenia». The American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 131 (4), pp. 402–408.

18. Deming W.E. (1950). Some Teory of Sampling. John Wiley, New York.

19. Deming W.E. (1960). Sample Desigh in Business Research. John Wiley, New York.

20. Deming W.E. (1943). Statistical Adjustment of Data. John Wiley, New York.

21. Deming W.E. (1950). Elementary Principles of the Statistical Control of Quality. Tokyo, Japan.

22. Campion H. (1949). «International statistics». Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General), Vol. 112, No. 2, pp. 105–143.

23. Yates F. (1953). «The work of the United Nations Sub-Commission on Statistical Sampling». Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 305–306.

24. Yearbook of the United Nations. — Подробнее .

25. «United Nations economic and Social Council Sub-Commission on Statistical Sampling: report to the Statistical Commission on the second session of the Sub-Commission on Statistical Sampling» (1949). Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 392–398.

26. Deming W.E. (1948). A Brief Statement on the Uses of Sampling in Censuses of Population, Agriculture, Public Health and Commerce. United Nations, Lake Success, NY.

27. Declaration on professional ethics. — Подробнее .

28. ASTM Manual on Quality Controls of Materials (1951). ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

29. ASTM E122-09e1 Standard practice for calculating sample size to estimate, with specified precision, the average for a characteristic of a lot or process. — Подробнее .

30. Symposium on bulk sampling (1951). ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

31. 1958 Symposium on bulk sampling (1958). ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.

32. American War Standards: Guide for Quality Control and Control Chart Method of Analyzing Data (1941). American Standards Association, New York, NY.

33. Control Chart Method of Controlling Quality During Production: ANSI ASA Z1.3-1958, Revision of AWS Z1.3-1942, UDC 519.28 (1959). American Standards Association, New York, NY.

34. Petersen P.B. (1997). «Library of Congress archives: additional information about W. Edwards Deming (1900–1993) now available». Journal of Management History, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 98–119.

35. Collection summary. — Подробнее .

36. Deming W.E. (1965). «Principles of professional statistical practice». The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 1883–1900.

37. Deming W.E. (1966). «Code of professional conduct». Sankhyā: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B, Vol. 28, Nos. 1/2, pp. 11–18.

38. Deming W.E. (1975). «On some statistical aids toward economic production». Interfaces, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1–15.

39. Pekar J.P. Total Quality Management: Guiding Principles for Application. — Подробнее .

40. Useem J. 20 that made history. — Подробнее .

41. Pekar J.P. Business performance excellence through total quality management. — Подробнее .

42. Деминг У.Э. Обращение к участникам конференции «Мировой опыт — экономике СССР» // Курс на качество. — 1992. — №1. — С. 4–5.

Розенталь Роман Маркович

Розенталь Роман Маркович

Ведущий специалист ЗАО «Центр «Приоритет» методам обеспечения качества.

г. Нижний Новгород

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