Продуктивность маркетинга, маркетинговый аудит, системы оценки маркетинговой деятельности: комплексное рассмотрение 
Морган Н., Кларк Б., Гунер Р.

Функции системы ОМД;
Вопрос результативности — анализ продуктивности маркетинга;
Вопрос эффективности — маркетинговый аудит;
Комплексное рассмотрение проблемы;
Нормативная система ОМД;
Контекстуальные факторы в системах ОМД;
Обсуждение результатов и их практическое применение;


В ситуации жесткой конкуренции, осложняемой финансовыми реалиями, давно уже известными менеджерам и теоретикам, исследования в области маркетинговых метрик и средств измерения эффективности маркетинга приобрели приоритетный статус для держателей акций корпораций, ведущих менеджеров и Института маркетинга (Marketing Science Institute). Однако ученые-маркетологи лишь недавно обратили свое внимание на эту важнейшую область исследования. Анализ продуктивности маркетинга и концепция маркетингового аудита традиционно привлекали больше внимания, чем способы оценки результативности маркетинговой деятельности. Мы полагаем, что оба подхода имеют фундаментальные ограничения в плане концептуализации и внедрения, но в каждом из имеющихся подходов мы видим зерна более полезного целостного подхода к оценке маркетинговой деятельности (ОМД). Для интеграции имеющихся наработок, расширения существующей базы знаний и поддержки маркетинговой практики необходимы две отдельных системы ОМД – нормативная и контекстуальная. Возвращаясь к имеющимся подходам, мы интегрируем их с более свежими теоретическими достижениями с целью построения концептуальных моделей обоих типов систем ОМД и находим им применение в управленческой практике и академических исследованиях.

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Источник: журнал Journal of Business Research (вып. 55, 2002 г.).

Журнал: «Маркетинг-дайджест» — №6, 2004 (© Издательский дом Гребенников)
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48. Govindarajan, V. (1988). A contingency approach to strategy implementation at the business-unit level: integrating administrative mechanisms with strategy. Academic Management Journal, Vol. 31 (4), pp. 828–853.

49. Govindarajan, V., and A. K. Gupta (1985). Linking control systems to business unit strategy: impact on performance. Account Organ. Soc., Vol. 10 (1), pp. 51–66.

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51. Green, S. G., and A. M. Welsh (1988). Cybernetics and dependence: reframing the control concept. Academic Management Review, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 287–301.

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78. Miller, D., and J. Shamsie (1996). The resource-based view of the firm in two environments: the Hollywood film studios from 1936 to 1965. Academic Management Journal, Vol. 39 (3), pp. 519–543.

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23. Chakravarthy, B. S. (1988). Adaptation: a promising metaphor for strategic management. Academic Management Review, Vol. 7, pp. 35–44.

24. Clark, B. H. (1998). Managerial perceptions of marketing performance: efficiency, effectiveness, adaptiveness and satisfaction. Working Paper, NortheasternUniversity.

25. Clark, B. H, and D. B. Montgomery (1998). Deterrence, reputations and competitive cognition. Management Science, Vol. 44 (1), pp. 62–82.

26. Cohen, H. B. (1959). The performance paradox. Academic Management Exec., Vol. 12 (3), pp. 30–40.

27. Crisp, R. (1959). Auditing the functional elements of a marketing operation. Analyzing and improving marketing performance. New York: American Management Association, Report No. 32, pp. 21–37 .

28. Daft, R. L., and N. B. Macintosh (1984). The nature and use of formal control systems for management control and strategy implementation. Journal of Management, Vol. 10 (1), pp. 43–66.

29. Day, G. S. (1994). The capabilities of market_driven organizations. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 58 (October), pp. 37–53.

30. Day, G. S., L. Fahey (1988). Valuing market strategies. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 52 (July), pp. 45–57.

31. Day, G. S., and R. Wensley (1988). Assessing advantage: a framework for diagnosing competitive superiority. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 52 (2), pp. 1–20.

52. Day, G. S., and P. Nedungadi (1994). Managerial representations of competitive advantage. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 58 (2), pp. 31–44.

33. Dickson, P. R. (1996). Towards a theory of competitive rationality. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 56 (1), pp. 69–84.

34. Dierickx, I., and K. Cool (1989). Asset stock accumulation and sustainability of competitive advantages. Management Science, Vol. 35 (12), pp. 1504–1510.

35. Dixon, J. R., A. J. Nanni and T. E. Vollman (1990). The new performance challenge: measuring operations for world-class competition. Homewood, IL: Irwin.

36. Dunn, M. G., D. Norburn and S. Birley (1994). The impact of organizational values, goals, and climate on marketing effectiveness. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 30, pp. 131–141.

37. Eccles, R. G. (1991). The performance measurement manifesto. Harvard Business Review, Vol. 131–137.

38. Eisenhardt, K. M. (1985). Control: organization and economic approaches. Management Science, Vol. 31 (January–February), pp. 134–149.

39. Feder, R. A. (1965). How to measure marketing performance. Harvard Business Review, Vol. 43 (May–June), pp. 132–142.

40. Fellman, M. W. (1998). Ghormley: science and art are fighting for headroom. Marketing News, № 2 (September 14th).

41. Floyd, S. W., B. Woolridge (1992). Managing strategic consensus: the foundation of effective implementation. Academic Management Exec., Vol. 6 (4), pp. 27–39.

42. Ford, J. D., D. A. Schellenberg (1982). Conceptual issues of linkage in the assessment of organizational performance. Academic Management Review, Vol. 7, pp. 49–58.

43. Foster, G., M. Gupta (1994). Marketing, cost management and management accounting. Journal of Management Account Research, Vol. 6, pp. 43–77.

44. Glazer, R. (1991). Marketing in an information intensive environment: strategic implications of knowledge as an asset. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 55 (October), pp. 1–19.

45. Globerson, S. (1985). Issues in developing a performance measurement criteria system for an organization. International Journal of Product Research, Vol. 23 (4), pp. 639–646.

46. Goold, M., and J. J. Quinn (1990). The paradox of strategic controls. Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 11, pp. 43–57.

47. Govindarajan, V. (1984). Appropriateness of accounting data in performance evaluation: an empirical examination of environmental uncertainty as an intervening variable. Account Organ. Soc., Vol. 9 (2), pp. 125–135.

48. Govindarajan, V. (1988). A contingency approach to strategy implementation at the business-unit level: integrating administrative mechanisms with strategy. Academic Management Journal, Vol. 31 (4), pp. 828–853.

49. Govindarajan, V., and A. K. Gupta (1985). Linking control systems to business unit strategy: impact on performance. Account Organ. Soc., Vol. 10 (1), pp. 51–66.

50. Govindarajan, V., and J. Fisher (1990). Strategy, control systems and resource sharing: effects on business_unit performance. Academic Management Journal, Vol. 33 (2), pp. 259–285.

51. Green, S. G., and A. M. Welsh (1988). Cybernetics and dependence: reframing the control concept. Academic Management Review, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 287–301.

52. Gupta, A. K., and V. Govindarajan (1984). Build, hold, harvest: converting strategic intentions into reality. Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 4 (3), pp. 34–47.

53. Hayes, R. H., S. C. Wheelwright (1984). Restoring our competitive edge. New York: Wiley.

54. Herremans, I. M., J. K. Ryans (1995). The case for better measurement and reporting of marketing performance. Business Horizonts, Vol. 38 (5), pp. 51–61.

55. Hirst, M. K. (1983). Reliance on accounting performance measures, task uncertainty, and dysfunctional behavior: some extensions. Journal of Account Research, Vol. 21, pp. 596–605.

56. Hitt, M. A. (1988). The measuring of organizational effectiveness: multiple domains and constituencies. Manag. Int. Review, Vol. 28, pp. 28–40.

57. Hopwood, A. G. (1972). An empirical study of the role of accounting data in performance evaluation. Journal of Account Research, Vol. 10, pp. 156–182.

58. Hrebiniak, L. G., and W. F. Joyce (1984). Implementing strategy. New York: Macmillan.

59. Hunt, S. D., and R. M. Morgan (1995). The comparative advantage theory of competition. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 59 (April), pp. 1–15.

60. Hunt, S. D., and R. M. Morgan (1996). The resource_advantage theory of competition: dynamics, path dependencies, and evolutionary dimensions. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 60 (4), pp. 107–115.

61. Jaworski, B. J. (1988). Toward a theory of marketing control: environmental context, control types, and consequences. Journal of Marketing, Vol. 52 (July), pp. 23–29.

62. Jaworski, B. J., and A. Kohli (1993). Market orientation: antecedents and consequences. Journal of Marketing.

63. Johnson, H. T., and R. S. Kaplan (1987). Relevance lost — the rise and fall of management accounting. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Business School Publishing.

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65. Keegan, D. P., R. G. Eiler and C. R. Jones (1989). Are your performance measures obsolete? Management Account, pp. 45–50.

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Морган Нил А.

Бизнес-школа Kenan-Flagler при Университете Северной Каролины.

Чепл-Хилл, США

Кларк Брюс Г.

Северо-восточный Университет (США).

Гунер Рич

Бизнес-школа Kenan-Flagler при Университете Северной Каролины, г. Чепл-Хилл (США).