Отдельные аспекты ликвидности финансового актива;Классификация показателей ликвидности финансового актива;
1. Amihud y. (2002). «illiquidity and stock returns: cross-section and time-series effects». Journal of financial markets, vol. 5(1), pp. 31–56.
2. Baker h.k. (1996). Trading location and liquidity: an analysis of u.s. dealer and agency markets for common stocks. Blackwell pubs, cambridge, ma.
3. Gourieroux c., jasiak j., le fol g. (1999). «intra-day market activity». Journal of financial markets, vol. 2(3), pp. 193–226.
4. Harris l. (2002). Trading and exchanges: market microstructure for practitioners. Oxford university press.
5. Hasbrouck j. (2006). «trading costs and returns for us equities: estimating effective costs from daily data». The journal of finance, vol. 64(3), pp. 1445–1477.
6. O’hara m. (1998). Market microstructure theory. John wiley & sons.
7. Patnaik t., thomass s. (2002). Variance-ratio tests and high-frequency data: a study of liquidity and mean reversion in the indian equity markets. — Подробнее .
8. Ranaldo a. (2001). Intraday market liquidity on the swiss stock exchange. — Подробнее .
9. Ranaldo a. (2002). Intraday trading activity on financial markets: the swiss evidence. — Подробнее .
10. Sarr a., lybek t. (2002). Measuring liquidity in financial markets. — Подробнее .