Янг Реймонд

Преподаватель Университета Сиань Цзяотун — Ливерпуль.

провинция Цзянсу, Китай

Is strategy implemented by projects? Disturbing evidence in the State of NSW
International Journal of Project Management
journal-article | 2015

Project, programme and portfolio maturity: a case study of Australian Federal Government
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
journal-article | 2014

The Development of a Multidisciplinary Model for Governing Projects
Academy of Management Proceedings
conference-paper | 2014

Top management support—almost always necessary and sometimes sufficient for success: Findings from a fuzzy set analysis
International journal of project management
journal-article | 2013

Does project governance lead to successful projects?
24th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)
conference-paper | 2013

The rise and fall of project management: are we observing the birth of a new discipline?
Journal of Project, Program & Portfolio Management
journal-article | 2012

Is strategy being implemented through projects? Contrary evidence from a leader in New Public Management
International Journal of Project Management
journal-article | 2012

Issues around firm level classification of IT investment
Australian Conference for Information Systems. Sydney, Australia 30th Nov - 2nd Dec
conference-paper | 2011

Eyes Wide Shut: Expanding the view of portfolio management
IPMA World Congress Proceedings 2011
conference-paper | 2011

Generic skills to reduce failure rates in an undergraduate accounting information system course
Asian Social Science
journal-article | 2009

ACIS 2007 panel report: lack of relevance in IS research
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
journal-article | 2009

Top management support: Mantra or necessity?
International Journal of Project Management
journal-article | 2008

Analysis of structural change point in multivariate regression models: An application on IT productivity impact
Computer and Information Technology Workshops, 2008. CIT Workshops 2008. IEEE 8th International Conference on
conference-paper | 2008

Case studies: how boards and senior management have governed ICT projects to succeed (or fail)
Standards Australia
book | 2006

What is the ROI for IT Project Governance? Establishing a benchmark
2006 IT Governance International Conference, Auckland, New Zealand
conference-paper | 2006

Estimating the value of IT Project Governance
International Research Workshop on IT Project Management 2006
conference-paper | 2006

Development of an IS Relevance Index
ACIS 2006 Proceedings
journal-article | 2006

An example of relevant IS research for top managers on IT project failure
ACIS 2005 Proceedings
journal-article | 2005

Explaining senior management support through IT project governance

dissertation-thesis | 2005

The Australian Bureau of Statistics: leading edge project management practices at a Board level

working-paper | 2005

Against the odds: how an executive project sponsor influenced a project to succeed despite an unsupportive environment

working-paper | 2005

A passion to succeed: how top managers underpin the effectiveness of IT governance

journal-article | 2005

How projects fail'successfully': project underperformance explained by inconsistent conceptions of IT project success

working-paper | 2005

Difficulties consolidating IT systems following a merger of two computer services companies

working-paper | 2004

Passion & IT governance
PACIS 2003 Proceedings
journal-article | 2003

Lifting the Game: Board views on e-commerce risk
journal-article | 2002

IT Governance and Risk Management: an integrated multi-stakeholder framework
Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute, Bangkok, Thailand
journal-article | 2002

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