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Опыт и практика | |
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Фото. Директор компании Positive Incline Ltd. М. Берроуз | |
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Источники |
1. Burrows M. (2021). Agendashift: Outcome-Oriented Change and Continuous Transformation. London: New Generation Publishing.
2. Burrows M. (2019). Right to Left: the Digital Leader’s Guide to Lean and Agile. London: New Generation Publishing.
3. Burrows M. (2014). Kanban from the Inside. Sequim: Blue Hole Press.
4. Skelton M., Pais M. (2019). Team Topologies: Organizing Business and Technology Teams for Fast Flow. Portland: IT Revolution Press.
5. Helfand H. (2019). Dynamic Reteaming: the Art and Wisdom of Changing Teams. California: Reteam.